Friday, March 21, 2025
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
NH Air National Guard Base at Pease
For security reasons, a separate invitation will go out to GSAMA members seeking specific RSVP information
37.5% of the proceeds will be donated to the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire Student Aircraft Build. Click this link to check out their program! 37.5% of the proceeds will be donated to the WinnAero Ace Camp in Laconia, NH, Click on this link to check out their program!
The remaining 25% of the proceeds will go toward NH airports!
Click on the button below to be taken to the sponsorship & Registration Website!
Click on the calendar icon on the right to be taken to the NH Department of Transportation's Airport Events calendar. Let us know when your event is and we can help you get it onto NHDOT's calendar.
GSAMA - A vibrant aviation system in New Hampshire with an optimistic future